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The Real Tania

I will help you to process and clear out your negative thought patterns and release the limiting beliefs that have been blocking you from being the best version of You. I know first-hand the experience of feeling ‘stuck’ in life and questioning whether there is ‘more’ to the everyday routines that we seem to find ourselves getting caught up in.

I am here to guide you on this journey!

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I had worked in the beauty industry for a long time and, even though I ‘liked my job – I always had the nagging feeling that I was put here on this Earth to do, and achieve, more than what I was currently experiencing. I commenced the process to unravel my inner conditioning and worked through this by facing my past and really opening up and discovering who I was and what I was here for. Life started to really show up for me after this.

I am a mother of 2 beautiful children and I currently live in Melbourne where I have resided my whole life.  I began my own personal healing journey in my early 20s whereby I experienced many different facets of growth.  This included the breakdown of a marriage, self-destructive behaviours and financial pressures.  The birth of my first child, my Son, was where things really upgraded for me in my self-discovery journey.

My past has shaped me into the person that I am today and is a key attribute of my success in being able to resonate with people and really understand and connect with them and the struggles that they may be facing.

I began to experience true freedom and released myself from the pressures of society’s expectations of where I ‘should be’ in a world where working a 9-5 job was considered to be the ‘right thing to do’.  From this awakening, I developed a completely different perspective on life.  I am still learning, to this day, and feel genuinely honoured to be in the position to be able to help others reach this level of consciousness with me.

My true passion in life is seeing others excel and break free from their own inner conditioning to discover who they are.   Healing yourself will help you to show up more genuinely in your relationships and for yourself.  It will lead to abundance in all areas in your life, as your mindset shifts, and you unravel what life and happiness mean to you.

Your Journey Starts Here

My name is Tania Piccolo and I am here to guide you on the journey to discovering your purpose and living out your best possible life using my intuitive abilities and delivering guided Angelic messages to you.

Coming To Light

Angelic Messenger Sessions

During your guided session, I will be connecting with your Guardian Angels and the Archangels to bring clarity, freedom and the answers that you need to help you on your path of ascension to your highest self. Every message is channelled intuitively and is delivered with your best intentions at heart. Your Angels will always tell you what you need to hear in order to learn your soul’s path mission.

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The Real

Expansion Journey

By choosing to start your personal Expansion Journey you will become the most authentic and genuine version of yourself which will allow you to live the life that your soul desires.
I will guide you through truly eye-opening and immersive sessions where we will delve into and explore facets of your lifestyle, your behaviours and your childhood traumas to begin the journey to heal your soul and elevate you to the highest version of yourself.
Everyone’s personal journey is unique and no session will be the same as another.

What you may find that you gain from an Expansion Journey is that you;

• Feel more guided and confident with the decisions that you are making in your life
• Create an abundant mindset (financial, lifestyle and in your relationships) by gaining an understanding of what your blockers are and freeing yourself from them
• Experience more balance and flow within your personal relationships and
• Learn to release and detach from what is no longer serving you.
Start your journey today by booking in your session with me and I will assisting you in a building a life that you never thought was possible.

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What They’re Saying

I had an angel reading with Tania and my experience left me feeling guided and supported in my decisions in life and clarified exactly what I needed to work on. I also had a beautiful experience with a loved one who had passed away come through in my reading. I would highly recommend having a reading with Tania as it was so uplifting and exactly what I needed at this time in my life.

Enlightening experience that has given me the confirmation I needed to continue on my current path & highlighted the specific blocks that need releasing. Received the messages that I need to hear to elevate to the next level of my ascension and growth. Amazing experience. 👏

Tania helped me through the process of understanding the meanings behind messages from a relative that has passed. She was instrumental in helping me deal with the passing of my loved one and gain a better prospective on the circle of life.